Free Anger Management Worksheets
Letting Go of Anger

The following free anger management worksheets are provided to help you resolve stubborn anger.

Sometimes something happens which feels so “wrong” that it “seems” unforgivable. But holding on to anger does not hurt the other person … it really hurts us.

As explained in “How to Deal with Anger,” anger has two parts: a mental part and a physical part.

Once we resolve the mental part of anger, the physical part is much easier to deal with.

These anger management worksheets are designed to help you resolve the mental part of anger. Using them can be an important first step in setting yourself free from the burden of unresolved anger.

Anger Management Worksheet #1
Letting Go of Anger

Examine the Effects of Anger in Your Life

  1. How does anger make you feel?
  2. How much time do you spend feeing angry?
  3. How has anger affected your sleep patterns?
  4. How has anger affected your breathing?
  5. How has anger affected your digestion?
  6. How has anger affected your performance at work?
  7. How has anger affected your relationships with your family?
  8. How has anger affected your relationships with friends?

Take some time to write down your honest answers to these questions.

As you realize the toll anger is taking on your life you may discover a stronger motivation to resolve it and move on.

Anger Management Worksheet #2
Letting Go of Anger

Imagine your life without this anger.

  1. Without anger, how would you feel when you get up in the morning?
  2. Without anger, how would you feel when you go to bed at night?
  3. Without anger, how would you feel when you are at work?
  4. Without anger, how would you feel when you are with your family?
  5. Without anger, how would you feel when you are with your friends?
  6. Without anger, how would you feel when you think about the future?

Answering these questions honestly will help you gain a vision of a better life you can choose to move toward.

Anger management Worksheet #3
Letting Go of Anger

Gaining Acceptance

  1. Have you ever changed the past?
  2. Has anyone you know ever really succeeded in changing the past?
  3. Do you want to spend your life trying to do what is impossible?

The past can not ever really be changed. Whatever happened … happened.

But the good news is - if you allow it, the past is done. It is over. It is kaput.

Accept it and move on to better things. The past can not be changed. But our understanding and feelings about the past can be changed. That is where healing can take place.

In the present, we can heal our feelings about the past.

Anger Management Worksheet #4
Letting Go of Anger

Gaining Understanding, Compassion and Forgiveness

Now it is time to explore motivation. Get into the other guys shoes. See how they feel. Walk in them for awhile.

  1. Ask yourself why the other person might have done what he or she did?
  2. Ask yourself what kind of pressures or concerns the other person might have had?
  3. Ask yourself what other factors might have influenced the other person to act the way they did?
  4. Ask yourself was the other person was doing the best they could in that moment?

Gaining this understanding can be very powerful.

I remember hearing a story of a person on the New York City subway.
(I heard this story from Steven Covey.)

A man and his two children got on the train.
The children were running wild through the train.
They were making noise and disturbing other travelers.
The man seemed oblivious.
He did nothing to try and control them.
The storyteller was feeling angry at the man.
The man ended up sitting next to someone and started talking.
He began to cry.
Later the story teller discovered what was going on in the man’s life.
The man and his two children had just come from the hospital.
The man’s wife had just died.
Now the storyteller felt no anger.
He felt compassion.
He understood what it was like, even for a moment to walk in the other man’s shoes.

When you gain this level of understanding and compassion for the people around you, your anger will disappear.

Additional Anger Management
Worksheet Support

PDF Download of these Free Anger Management Worksheets
(It will open in a new window.)
Printing them out and writing your answers down will help you get the full value of this material.

How to Deal with Anger Skillfully
This article gives you powerful tools and perspectives to dismantle both the mental and the physical aspects of anger.

The Benefits of Forgiveness – Real Stress Relief
Forgiveness can improve our own peace, health and happiness. Explore these ideas on forgiveness to help you develop the compassionate understanding that allows for forgiveness.

Stress by its nature tends to make us feel more pressured and prone to anger. Stress relief helps take the pressure off.

Return to Gentle Stress Relief home page for an overview of many effective natural ways to relieve stress.

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